Lake Industries announces operations shift to manufacture and distribute Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Since 1979, Lake Industries has been an international leader supplying distributors products that improve the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. We have been fortunate to build strong relationships with suppliers around the world and formidable supply chains that meet our customer’s needs. In light of the shortage of face masks, surgical gowns and face shields, we have tapped into our supplier network to procure and make available high-quality, PPE supplies at the most reasonable price possible to bring products that matter most to our customer’s communities.

To meet the immediate need, we are having face masks and other supplies flown in daily on a rush basis. Orders will be hand-delivered to Las Vegas healthcare providers and shipped to outside providers on a first-order, first-serve basis.

“We plan to continue providing the essential supplies through Lake Industries for as long as the demand remains,” Saville Kellner, CEO of Lake Industries, stated. “In these unprecedented times, it’s gratifying for the Lake Industries team to carry out our commitment to the health and wellbeing of our customers, their families, and the communities they reside. We will continue to be here to accomplish this mission during and after the crisis.”

Pricing and Availability

Lake Industries is doing its very best to keep a low price point and consistent daily volume of supplies, however, there are several factors driving up prices for most PPE supplies.

“Every step of the supply chain is inflating the price of these essential items, and in some cases, disrupting the daily intake of supplies.” said Travis Keys, Chief Revenue Officer at Lake Industries. “Raw material prices have increase five-fold in the last two weeks, manufacturing equipment is impossible to obtain, and foreign governments are halting and confiscating shipments at their airports and borders. This increase in both cost and percentage of lost shipments is leading to an extremely fluid price point. We are working with many different manufacturers in order to minimize the risk to our supply chain.”



KN95 masks come in a single size that fits most faces. The disposable masks should be replaced daily for best hygiene and are ideal for one-time use in a non-surgical setting.

Lake Industries is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday. It can be reached by phone at 1-800-261-4501 or online at

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